6 Types of Offshore Development Services

In this instance, however, the client will be responsible for far more tasks than those who choose the Contractor OCD Model. For more details, this can include everything from product research to analysis to team management, with the OCD team focusing primarily on coding. This model is ideal if you’ve had success with smaller offshore teams and now wish to scale up your operations. This model is designed for clients with stringent security requirements in their design models. This allows you to easily adjust the size of your offshore development center to match project demands and timelines. This would help in making excellent software which can simplify the work modules.

You just need to be careful in choosing a technical partner and pay attention to their customers’ reviews. Serial entrepreneurs Matt Watson & Matt DeCoursey built Full Scale in 2018. With nine years of experience hiring developers in the Philippines, you are in good hands. In the Philippines, the rich IT-BPM industry rosters a workforce trained to work flexible hours. This is why at Full Scale, our software teams can accommodate varying schedules depending upon our client’s requests. In fact, our offshore developers’ time mostly overlaps with that of our clients.


The offshore development team you are going to partner with won’t be in-house. This makes it all the more important to agree on tracking tools where you would be able to be on top of the tasks done and the time that went into them. Startups generally have the best ideas when it comes to acing the digital world. Whether you are a founder starting an app business or a project manager launching an app, software development outsourcing is a complex business decision. There are a number of factors to consider, and the things at stake if you make a bad decision are too high. If you’re looking for a talented team of offshore developers, we’re here to help you.

offshore development meaning

Master of Law, a graduate of postgraduate studies at the University of Economics in Krakow. In his daily work, he masters the combination of business strategy and technology. Combine the factors described above, and scalability won’t seem like a goal that’s out of reach anymore – get the people and time to accelerate time-to-market and launch before your competitors do.

Start with a small but highly skilled team

You should partner with an outsourcing software development company that would give you flexibility in terms of time allocation and team size. Our advice here would be to start on a sprint and deliverable model instead of sending a contract for months of work. When you work around a project-based relationship, there is no pressure for having a long-term relationship, and you can move up the requirement as the project moves. They provide clients with value for their money, position the business ahead of the competition and allow the business to win the market. If you notice your products’ and services’ quality and the standard of innovation are diminishing, that is the best time to consider bringing offshore software developers on board. Professional offshore outsourcing software development companies are ready to provide you with an experienced Project Manager (PM) who will set tasks and monitor their fulfillment.

offshore development meaning

As a result, a replication of the client’s standards, techniques, and overall culture should be part of the knowledge transition process. In particular, only through a formal business agreement can an ODC be established. Software ODC classic is another name for the Contractor model, in which a committed team of qualified and certified individuals collaborates under the direction of a project manager. Plus, this offshore development center model is useful for projects that require a wide range of responsibilities. Specifically, updating and expanding older software, providing support, migrating platforms, or writing code. Offshore software development consists of offshoring the software development process to a company or individual located in another part of the world.

Management Challenges

When you are in the market, you should look at the quality of the software design and the project architecture or code. If you take a lot of time in the software development stage, chances are your competitor will launch something similar, leaving your idea to waste. Choosing offshore developers means the elimination of the hiring and training time. Typically, the most popular areas for outsourcing projects are South America, Poland, and India. There is an abundance of skilled resources in these regions, because of which the offshore software development rates by country are generally low. The sad truth about outsourcing software development is that this is not a standalone case.

  • Businesses typically follow the OSD approach to get access to top talent in other countries as it is a cost-effective and working business strategy to get talented specialists across the world.
  • Giving them clear instructions and a place on your project infrastructure.
  • A. You can sign an NDA before even getting on the first call with the team to ensure that they don’t share your idea with someone else.
  • Or for those projects that require any special skills or extra knowledge/experience – offshoring can significantly expand the pool of talent.
  • For example, you can use a SMART system, according to which your goals should be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely.

While having a large team of developers seems ideal, you would want to start small first. A small team allows better visibility, making it easier to know who’s working on what since there are only a few people involved. This helps you to streamline the process effectively—getting you that much closer to a “bigger” offshore dev team. Cost is, by far, one of the critical factors to consider when deciding to outsource your development tasks.

#2 Fixed-price Offshore Development Center

These developers work remotely and are often located in places where labor costs are lower. In view of experts, risks related with different location, specifically another country, another timezone and different language, are too big to entrust a significant part of your business. Overall it is a great platform, quite superior in terms of professionalism, technical knowledge, work ethics, passion and dedication for their taken projects. A well-planned strategy is mandatory for any business to flourish, where each team member own up the responsibility towards the successful completion of the project.

offshore development meaning

Polish ODC programmers are very advantageous due to low living costs, inexpensive tech education, and a high level of English. The Philippines is one of the most favored countries when coming to the topic of ODCs. This is owing to its strong work ethics, cutting-edge infrastructure, and big pool of skilled workers. If you are planning to launch a branch of your offshore development meaning company in another country, you will need to examine the legal landscape and see if the country’s business rules are advantageous to your company. This approach offers a high degree of adaptability, allowing adjustments during development. Also when your projects involve one-of-a-kind, sensitive, or proprietary software that demands strict privacy measures.

How AI, IoT, and AR/VR Technologies are Helping Companies Achieve their Sustainability Goals

The offshore IT development sphere offers businesses a range of opportunities, according to which they are able to save their efforts, time, and money. If you also want to save your resources and achieve good results, you can also apply to offshore IT professionals in order to obtain a completely new product, flexible and thriving on the market. Contact us to get a consultation on all questions related to offshore software development you may have.

However, the benefits definitely outweigh potential offshore software development risks and can bring your software development to a new level from a short-term perspective. We mean technologies to use, and specialists to hire (e.g., designer, developer, etc.). If you’re not sure about all this, you can ask for consultation with your offshore software development company. Most offshore outsourcing software development companies provide their customers with flexible prices and first-grade services. Central Europe, for example, gains its popularity concerning a bunch of talented individuals, state backing, and low taxation for the IT sector. It also displays the ideal value for money balance of the software provided.

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Typically, the client company has direct oversight of offshore development center services through a project manager who interfaces with the team members responsible for implementation. There is a reason why businesses look into offshore software development services in countries like India and the Philippines. So if you’re looking for a specific developer, offshoring provides you access to a deeper talent pool.

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